When Works not Working: Embracing The Mompreneur Journey!

Hey there, fabulous mamas! Can you believe how gorgeous it is today? And no, I’m not just talking about the weather. Let me spill the tea… Remember when I mentioned adding another hat to my collection: juggling work and homeschooling? If you missed it, no worries, I’ll catch you up in a jiffy.

A few months back, after some serious soul-searching, the hubby and I decided it was time for me to dive back into the workforce. Translation: I handed over the homeschool reins to my amazing husband. It was a decision we weighed carefully, considering the pros and cons of returning to work versus continuing to homeschool full-time. We wanted to ensure our family’s financial stability while also providing our children with the best educational experience possible.

And let me tell you, according to the little experts in our household, the transition seemed smooth sailing. My husband stepped up to the plate, taking on the role of primary homeschool educator with enthusiasm and dedication. As I headed back to the office, I thought I had everything under control. Little did I know, life had other plans in store.

But while things seemed to be chugging along at home, yours truly was struggling big time. Life did a complete 180 on me – from racing against the clock at the office to morphing into Supermom come dinner, bath, and bedtime. Talk about Groundhog Day on repeat! Sure, the financial perks were nice, but mentally? I was feeling the strain. The lack of time there is in a day really became a hurdle. You always hear the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” and if I’m being completely honest, at the end of most days there wasn’t a drop in sight left. I had all these plans and activities scheduled to do after a day at work, but reality came in like a brick wall and my time with my littles was not what I had anticipated.

After countless late-night heart-to-hearts and weighing the pros and cons, we decided that the corporate gig just wasn’t cutting it for me or the fam. My heart was yearning for the joy and creativity that homeschooling brings. Call me crazy – it’s a strong possibility – but being the mom who crafts an epic homeschool experience is where I truly belong. You know, they say that mother’s intuition is a powerful thing. And it’s true – our hearts often hold the answers we seek, if only we’re willing to listen. So, amidst the chaos of life’s decisions, I chose to trust my gut and follow my heart. And you know what? It led me right back to where I belong – creating magical moments with my family through homeschooling.

Now, here’s where things get juicy. Throughout this rollercoaster journey, I stumbled upon an answer to a question that had been nagging at me for what felt like forever: How can I contribute my personality and creativity to make a difference? And you know what? Every day, the answer was staring me right in the face: by relating to and sharing our homeschool adventures.

As I settled into my new job, I couldn’t resist adding some adorable desk decor to brighten up my workspace. Among the items I picked out, there was a sign that caught my eye. It read, “May you be proud of the work that you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.” Initially, I was drawn to its cute pink design, thinking it would add a nice touch to my desk. However, as I continued to glance at it throughout the day, the words began to resonate with me on a deeper level.

With each passing moment, I found myself connecting more profoundly with the message behind those simple yet profound words. It was no longer just a cute decoration; it became a potent reminder of my potential for greatness. This sign served as a beacon of motivation, urging me to take pride in my work, embrace my true self, and recognize the impact I could make in the world. Isn’t it funny how motivation can come from the most unexpected places? In this case, a seemingly insignificant desk accessory turned out to be a powerful catalyst for self-reflection and empowerment. It’s moments like these that remind me to remain open to the subtle nudges of inspiration that guide me along the right path.

But does this mean I failed at the whole corporate mom thing? Heck no! As we navigate through life, we discover more and more about ourselves, and every twist and turn contributes to us becoming the best versions of ourselves. We’ve only got one shot at this crazy ride called life, so why spend it miserable?

Speaking of which, did you know that statistics show the top 5 reasons why moms who return to the workforce end up quitting their jobs? It’s eye-opening to see that many face challenges such as struggling with work-life balance, feeling unfulfilled in their roles, facing limitations in career advancement, dealing with high childcare costs, and experiencing stress and burnout. These are real issues that many moms grapple with, and it’s important to recognize that it’s okay to reassess and make changes if needed.

So, what’s in store for Who’s the Mom? Brace yourselves, ladies – relatable content and resources galore! Oh, and did I mention free printables? Because who doesn’t love a good freebie, am I right? I’m beyond thrilled to dive fully into this blogging adventure and connect with all you incredible moms out there!

Alright, let’s do this, mama squad!  Here’s my challenge to all you amazing moms out there: Follow your hearts and allow yourselves to pursue a passion or dream you may have been holding back on. Taking that leap of faith isn’t just a learning experience – it’s a fantastic example that you’re setting for your kiddos. With hard work and determination, anything is possible!

And remember, whether you’re juggling work, homeschooling, or both – your journey is uniquely yours, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. So, mama, do what’s best for you and your family, and don’t be afraid to rewrite your story if it’s not bringing you joy. You’ve got this!

The Mom

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