The Mom!

Welcome Back, Momma! I’m thrilled to have you back at the WTM-(Who’s the Mom) Blog. If you had the chance to read through The Why Behind Who’s The Mom, I mentioned that I would do a post giving some fun facts about the Mom behind Who’s The Mom. First and foremost, let’s address the elephant in the room. The world we live in today can be scarier than a squirrel with a caffeine addiction, especially when we think about the vulnerability that comes with sharing personal information online. So, for the protection of myself and my family, the information I provide on WTM about my family or myself will be as well-guarded as Fort Knox. But don’t worry, I promise to give you just enough to keep that personal connection alive, like a squirrel with a secret stash of acorns.

Now, some of you might be thinking, “Is she just paranoid, or why even have a blog with all these safety concerns?” Well, the answer is simple: I believe that every mom deserves a moment of inspiration, even if it means we have to dance with the online privacy boogeyman. With my fun content ideas, I’m here to help everyday moms like myself have those “Eureka!” moments. And guess what? I think we can have the best of both worlds – sharing the ups and downs of mom life while ninja-guarding the privacy of our families. This means fewer snapshots of my personal life but more quirky blog posts and clever pictures that spill the beans on my experiences and ideas. Still with me? I hope so, because now that you’ve got a taste of my quirky side, let’s dive into the good stuff, shall we?

Alright, enough with the serious stuff; let’s get to the real scoop. I’m a Utah mom, born and raised, and I’ve got an extraordinary husband who’s been putting up with me for over 11 years – it’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. Together, we’ve created four wonderful kiddos – two boys and two girls. These little rascals amaze and exhaust us every single day. When it came time for our oldest to start preschool, my husband and I had a brilliant idea: let’s give homeschooling a whirl. I mean, how hard could it possibly be, right? As it turns out, we had more fun than a barrel of monkeys on roller skates. When kindergarten rolled around, the decision was unanimous – we were sticking with homeschooling. But before we delve too deep into our homeschooling shenanigans, let me make one thing clear: I have absolutely nothing against the public school system. My husband and I both went through it, and like everyone else, we had our fair share of good and bad experiences. Our decision to homeschool was purely personal and not a reflection on the system itself. The important thing here is to do what works best for you and your family – no judgments from this momma! I support you, whether you’re Team Homeschool or Team Public School. And even if you’re not a homeschool mom, I guarantee you’ll find something fun and useful right here on WTM.

Now that we’ve taken a detour into the land of rambling, let’s steer the ship back on course, shall we? Here we are, about to embark on year 6 as a homeschooling family. Can you believe it? Six years! If you’d asked me that question six years ago, I’d probably have given you a look that said, “I’m not sure, but let’s hope so.” But ask me today, and I can confidently say that homeschooling was the best choice for us. I’ve had friends say, “Wow, six years? You’re practically a real teacher now!” I always chuckle because, while I don’t have the official title or credentials of a traditional teacher, I do spend hours researching to make each year the best educational experience for my kids and myself. It’s fun to teach my children, but it’s even more fun to realize how much they teach me in return. We’re all in this together, learning and growing as we go!

Now, for a fun fact: Utah has more drink shops than you can shake a stick at, making it incredibly convenient to get a unique soda and a tasty treat. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Swigg, it’s basically the Holy Grail of soda destinations. I’m a Dr. Pepper addict, and I’ll admit it – I drink it like it’s water (don’t judge!). So, a few months ago, I decided to attempt the impossible – giving up Dr. Pepper. How would I survive a day with kids and no caffeine? Your guess was as good as mine, but I decided to give it a whirl. I ordered what I thought would be my last Dr. Pepper at Swigg, but to my surprise, they accidentally added Coconut Cream. Holy wow, it was a game changer! I couldn’t decide if I loved the Dr. Pepper more or the Coconut Cream. Long story short, my attempt to quit Dr. Pepper was a spectacular failure. However, I now limit myself to just one of these little slices of heaven each day, and I can honestly say I’m one happy momma because of it. So, if you’re in the market for something tasty, I highly recommend giving it a whirl!

Moving on to the next fun fact about this mom: I’m a licensed Cosmetologist, and I owned and worked in a salon for a while. But as it turns out, I didn’t love the profession as much as I’d hoped. Shortly after my husband and I had our first son, we decided that I needed to become a full-time Stay-at-Home Mom. Fast forward to today, and I’m still a stay-at-home mommie, or as I like to call it, a (SAHM) – it’s like being a CEO without the fancy title or corner office. My training as a cosmetologist and my super-organized, perfectionist persona have infiltrated my life as a mom. I seem to have more projects than I can keep track of – from cooking and cleaning to teaching and attempting daily workouts, not to mention planning epic birthday parties and playdates, creating homeschool curriculums, and the never-ending list goes on. My free afternoons are spent dressing up for tea parties, engaging in epic lightsaber battles, having dance-offs, building intricate Lego masterpieces, and, of course, donning the superhero cape.

Now, I bet you’re thinking, “Doesn’t that sound exhausting?” Well, I won’t lie to you, some days are like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope stretched over a pit of hungry alligators. I’m by no means perfect at this mom stuff because, let’s be honest, it’s as wild as a rodeo with mischievous clowns. But I take it one day at a time, and I do the best I can. Sure, there are moments when I want to pull my hair out, but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t trade my crazy life and my rambunctious kids for anything. Together, we conquer the chaos that reigns supreme in our household. Being a mommy is my full-time job, and every day, I strive to be the best mom I can be, learning and growing right alongside my kids.

So, there you have it, my fellow mommas. You now know a bit more about the Mom behind WTM. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better, and I can’t wait to connect with you and share more stories. Until next time, here’s to all the amazing moms out there, creating magic every single day!

Because every mom deserves a moment of inspiration!



The Mom

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