Crafting Felt Popsicles: A Deliciously Fun DIY Adventure for Moms and Kids!

Hey there, fabulous moms! Are you ready to embark on a crafty journey with your little ones? Buckle up because we’re about to whip up some felt popsicles that are cooler than the ice cream truck on a hot summer day. These aren’t just any popsicles; they’re the no-melt, everlasting kind that spark joy in every stitch.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

Materials you’ll need:
1. Colored felt sheets in your desired popsicle colors. (because, let’s be honest, one flavor is never enough).
2. Popsicle sticks (one for each popsicle).
3. Fabric pins.
4. Sewing machine. (or your trusty needle and thread for some good old-fashioned hand-sewing).
5. Coordinating thread.
6. Fabric scissors.
7. Template or drawing of popsicle shape (optional).
8. Fabric glue (for the optional matching game).

Get your crafting capes on, and let’s make magic happen!


1. Prepare Your Materials:
Gather all your materials, including the felt sheets, popsicle sticks, fabric pins, sewing machine, thread, fabric scissors, and optional fabric glue, and let’s get this party started!

2. Design Your Popsicle:
If you have a template, wonderful! If not, trust those crafty hands to freehand a popsicle shape. Show that felt who’s boss!

3. Cut the Felt:
Place two pieces of felt on top of each other with the colors facing inward.
Pin your template or your amazing freehand masterpiece onto the felt.
Carefully cut along the outline to create two identical popsicle shapes. You should now have a front and a back piece for your popsicle.

4. Sewing the Edges:
Firing up the sewing machine, set it to a straight stitch with a coordinating thread color.
Pin the two felt pieces together, making sure the colors are facing inward. Leave the bottom part (where the popsicle stick will go) open for now.
Start sewing around the edges of your popsicle shape, leaving a small seam allowance (about 1/4 inch or 0.5 cm). Backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitching to secure it.

5. Create a Casing for the Stick:
Now, we’re getting all architectural. – When you reach the bottom of your popsicle shape, where the stick will go, pivot your sewing machine and start sewing up the middle of the popsicle shape, framing the stick area. This will create a casing for the popsicle stick.
Continue sewing until you reach the top edge.

6. Finishing the Sewing:
Cut the thread, leaving a tail of a few inches.
Carefully remove the pins.
Trim any excess fabric around the edges, leaving a small seam allowance.

7. Insert the Popsicle Stick:
Gently insert a popsicle stick into the casing you’ve created. It should slide in snugly.

8. Close the Bottom:
Hand-sew the bottom of the popsicle closed using a whipstitch or ladder stitch. Make sure it’s securely closed around the stick.

9. Trim and Shape:
Trim any excess felt or thread to create a neat and clean look.

10. Matching Game (Optional):

Fancy a challenge? Go for the optional matching game. It’s like a cherry on top of your crafting masterpiece!
Cut a small square shape from the same colored felt you used for the popsicle, or choose a contrasting color for added visual appeal.
Apply a small amount of fabric glue to one side of the felt square.
Carefully press the glue-covered side of the felt square onto the top end of the popsicle stick. Make sure it adheres securely.

Matching Game Instructions:

Time to put those color-matching skills to the test! An educational voyage full of color coordination and, most importantly, fun!

  1. Gather all the popsicle tops (felt shapes) in one pile and all the popsicle sticks (with the felt squares) in another.
  2. Call out the color of a popsicle top and watch your little ones scurry to find the matching popsicle stick with its snazzy felt square.
  3. As they make the perfect match, remove the popsicle top and stick from the game – it’s a crafty win!
  4. Continue until all the popsicle tops are matched with their stick soulmates.

This matching game is like the sprinkles on your felt ice cream project – educational and fun, a fantastic way to teach colors and coordination. Get ready to have a blast with your little ones!

So, there you have it, moms and mini-makers! A project that’s both a feast for the eyes and a joy for the brain. Let your creative spirits soar, and dive into this playful crafting adventure. Remember, the fun is not just in the craft but in the moments created together. Happy crafting and gaming, Super Moms!

The Mom

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