Creating an Easy Bird Feeder for Kids!

Hey there, all you wonderful WTM (Who’s The Mom) followers! Are you on the lookout for a delightful and educational adventure to embark on with your kiddos? Well, look no further, you’ve come to the right place!  because I’ve got just the feathered-fun solution for you and your little ones! A bird feeder-making bonanza that’ll not only keep your feathered friends well-fed but also give your kiddos an opportunity to dive into nature’s wonders and get to know their feathered neighbors. And hey, it’s more enjoyable than counting the minutes until bedtime, right? Picture this: Your mini-Me’s giggling excitedly while wielding scissors, you trying not to spill birdseed all over, and a backyard filled with chirping feathered friends. Yep, that’s the kind of chaos and joy I’m talking about. Don’t worry; it’s easier than managing a toddler temper tantrum in the toy store!  A bird feeder project that’s not only engaging but also has a hint of that classic mom humor. We’re about to dive into the world of bird feeders, folks, and trust Me, it’s going to be a hoot! So, are you ready to create some feathered magic together? Let’s get started on this DIY bird feeder journey that your kids will absolutely adore:

Here’s the lowdown on creating a bird feeder that’ll have your kids chirping with excitement

What You’ll Need:

  • An empty, squeaky-clean plastic bottle (with a trusty screw-on cap)
  • A pair of scissors or a craft knife (Mom’s tool of choice)
  • Some sturdy string or twine (because we all know how kids can tug on things!)
  • Wooden spoons or dowels (for our little birdie friends)
  • Birdseed or small grains (like millet or sunflower seeds) – because even birds deserve a delicious spread!

Step 1: Prepare the Bottle

First things first, folks! Remove any sticky labels from that plastic bottle. It’s got to be spick and span before we start. Now, choose a bottle size that suits your fancy – Remember, size matters – opt for a bottle that suits your design and the birdie population in your ‘hood. A 16-ounce (500 ml) bottle is a good place to begin the adventure!

Step 2: Create Feeding Holes

Time to call in the adult reinforcements (trust me, you’ll want their help here)! Grab those scissors or a craft knife and slice two little holes near the bottle’s base, facing each other. We want them big enough for our winged friends to snack comfortably but not so enormous that we end up with a seed shower party on your lawn.

Step 3: Insert Perches

Here comes the fun part- Channel your inner interior decorator, because it’s time to add some perches. Pop those wooden spoons or dowels through the holes you just crafted. These will be like first-class seats for our bird buddies. Make sure they’re long enough to extend a out just a smidge beyond the width of the bottle. Birds like to stretch their wings, You know! Lets give them a comfy landing spot.

Step 4: Make a Hanging Loop

Channel your inner crafty mom your inner DIY genius! Using a hole punch or your trusty scissors, create a pair of small holes right below the cap. Grab that string or twine, thread it through, and knot the ends together to create a handy-dandy loop for your hanging masterpiece. Voila! We’ve got a bird feeder on the way!

Step 5: Fill the Feeder

It’s snack time for our little feathered friends, not you or the kiddos – they’ve got to wait for dinner! So, unscrew the bottle cap and carefully pour those yummy bird seeds or grains inside. Fill it up to about three-quarters full. If you’ve got a funnel, now’s the time to show off those funnel skills and minimize the mess! Just remember, these snacks are for the birds – no sneaking a nibble, mom.

Step 6: Hang and Enjoy!

Time to find the perfect cozy spot in your garden or by a window where you can hang your masterpiece. Make sure it’s a spot where our feathered friends can easily spot their mealtime extravaganza, and where you can comfortably do some quality birdwatching  from a safe distance. Once it’s up and swinging, sit back, relax, and watch the magic unfold as our feathered buddies drop by for a snack! Remember, our little birdie restaurant might need a refill, so keep an eagle eye on your feeder and top it off whenever its a bit too quiet! This delightful activity not only fosters a love for nature but also teaches our kiddos patience and observation skills – you know, life skills! So, let’s spread those wings and embark on a journey of happy bird watching!

Happy crafting, fellow moms! And remember, you’re doing a “tweet”-endous job!


The Mom

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